Sunday, July 19, 2009

Kreativ Blogger Award

My sincere thanks to Small Small Baker and Amy from Cooking Crave for awarding me Kreativ Blogger Award, this is a big encouragement for me to keep inventing and posting more recipes here.

The Kreativ Blogger Award comes with some rules:

1. You must thank the person who has given you the award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who has nominated you for the award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 other Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on which of the blogs to let them know they have been nominated

For those who have been known me for a long time, it is very easy to categorize me in "Hunger for Food", for those who just met me, here, I would like to talk something about myself:

1. My BIGGEST and LONG LASTING passion is everything about food.
2. Thanks to God that my figure is still under control, this is really a hard job for a food hunger like me. My close friends in Malaysia are always afraid to dine with me as I will order too much foods and eat non stop. Even while I was working in the office, I would have about 5 meals in a day. lol!!!
3. If I crave for something I really like, I don't care how much time it takes me to drive or to prepare in order to satisfy my stomach.
4. Cooking is one of my stress relief treatment, while I am cooking, I will forget everything because I enjoy and concentrate on the process of cooking.
5. I wish to keep a "home feel" for my honey and family, because for me, there is nothing worth more than to have a homemade meal together with my family.
6. One of the reason to keep up cooking is the foods sold out there are expensive with just little ingredients, that makes me always have to spend extra money if I order to add extra ingredients, in this case, why don't I cook it myself?? I can add as much as I can. LOL!!
7. The reason I start this blog because I am so far away from my family now, I want to share what I am eating and cooking here, and also to my friends, I don't have to repeat the recipes I have given, just tell them to read my blog and share our cooking adventures.

I would like to give this Kreativ Blogger Award to the following bloggers :

1. Agnes Sim - - I am so clumsy on handicraft, I admire her job on making so many lovely jeweleries.
2. CK Lam - - Her blog is so professional with detail s of information and beautiful photos about her food huntings, sometime, her post makes me so craving about Penang food and just grab the ingredients from the stores and cook it by my own. :-p
3. Gourmet Garden - - I got to know her because we post the same topic in a same month. We probably have a same dream - want to own a restaurant some day. :-)
4. Do what I Like - Florence - - I got attracted by her chilled mango cheesecake, still no time to try out the recipe.
5. Mitong - - you will find a lot of healthy recipe and pretty photos out there, but it is in Chinese. :-)
6. Penang Tua Pui - - my food buddy that we never met each other. lol, just love their food hunting adventures.
7. boo_licious - - you will find some interesting food hunting and recipes here.


  1. Congrats...I admire your creativity and talent. You deserved it!! Thanks for being such a wonderful friend, muakksS!!

  2. Hellow Giggle! Thanks for the award! so suprised that i was one of yours ...heee

    Yea, we have the same goal, it would be tough, and i will be your supporter along the way :)

    Wish you all the best!

    btw, i have shift my blog to self hosted hosting and the new domain is

  3. gill gill, wish our dream will come true. :-)

  4. Tin Tin.... I have to learn more from you about nice photos! :-)

    Agnes, you really deserve a creative award for your wonderful work. :-)
